Legal and informative advice services
National services supporting victims across the UK
Action Fraud
Action Fraud is national fraud and cyber-crime reporting centre. On their website you can report different types of cyber-crimes via an online reporting tool. They also provide preventative information and advice if you have been victim.
Hourglassaim to end the harm, abuse and exploitation of older people in the UK. They provide a 27/4 Helpline service to give information and support to an older person or anyone concerned about an older person who is at risk of, experiencing or recovering from any form of abuse or neglect.
Phone: 0808 808 8141
Galop provide specialist emotional and practical support for LGBT+ individuals experiencing domestic abuse.
Phone: 0800 999 5428
Mankind is a confidential helpline providing advice and support to all men in the UK experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner (including same-sex partners).
Phone: 01823 334244
The National Stalking Helpline can help if you are worried that you may be being stalked or are being continually harassed (this may be the case if your intimate content is being continually re-circulated or re-posted online).
Phone: 0808 802 0300
Respect Phoneline
Respect Phoneline provides support for domestic abuse perpetrators and those supporting them.
Phone: 0808 8024040
The following services are specific to victims living in England
Rights of Women
Rights of Women provide legal advice and information on a wide range of legal issues including domestic violence, child contact, sexual violence and the criminal justice process and immigration and asylum as well as other legal issues arising from relationship breakdown.
National Family Law Helpline
Phone: 020 7251 6577
Opening hours: Tuesday – Thursday 7pm – 9pm, Friday 12pm-2pm
London Family Law Helpline
Phone: 020 7608 1137
Opening hours: Monday 11am – 1pm, Tuesday 2pm-4pm, Wednesday & Thursdays 10am-12pm, 2pm-4pm
Criminal Law Advice Line
Phone: 020 7251 8887
Opening hours: Tuesday 10am-12pm, Thursday 7pm-9pm
Sexual Harassment at Work Advice Line
Phone: 020 7251 8887
Opening hours: Monday 6pm – 8pm, Tuesday 5pm-9pm
Queen Mary University of London Legal Advice Centre
The SPITE project (Sharing and Publishing Images to Embarrass) is run by the Queen Mary University of London's Legal Advice Centre and provides free and specialist legal advice to victims of intimate image abuse.
Phone: 020 7882 3931
Paladin is a trauma-informed service supporting high-risk victims of stalking in England and Wales via team of Independent Stalking Advocacy Caseworkers (ISACs).
Phone: 020 3866 4107
The following services are specific to victims living in Scotland
Scottish Women's Right Centre
The Scottish Women's Rights Centre is a unique collaborative project that provides free legal information, advice and representation to women affected by violence and abuse.
Scottish Women's Aid
Scottish Women's Aid can help if you feel scared of your partner or if you are worried about someone you know, get in touch with Scotland’s 24-hour Domestic Abuse and Forced Marriage Helpline.
Phone: 0800 027 1234
Rape Crisis Scotland
Rape Crisis Scotland operate 17 independent local centres across Scotland and also run the national Helpline. The Helpline provides support and information for anyone affected by sexual violence.
Open daily from 6 pm-midnight, 365 days a year.
Phone: 08088 010302