The Helpline is open from 10:00 to 16:00 Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

What to expect when you contact the helpline

  1. How can we help?
  2. What to expect
  3. Contacting the Helpline

Access the advice and information on this page in a video format below: 

We know it's not easy

We really do understand the courage and bravery it takes to pick up the phone and speak to a practitioner on the Helpline or to put it all in words over an email. Hopefully, the following information will help you to understand the process and what will happen when you call or email the Helpline. 

Your call or email will be answered by one of our female practitioners.

The Helpline is open from 10 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday. If you call and don't get through to a practitioner right away, please leave a voicemail with your name, a contact number and a safe time to return your call. 

Tell us about what has happened

You will be asked to explain the details of your case, in as much detail as you feel comfortable to, we might have to ask a few questions to get more detail from you. We always respect your decisions on whether you want to report the case to the police.

The law differs slightly between England & Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. If you can let us know what region you live in and where the crime was committed, we'll be able to give you the best advice we can.

Personalised advice

We will always do our best to support you and give you the right advice. Our practitioners do not read from a script and treat every case individually.

Any questions? 

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