If you do find a result and there is an intimate image or video shared without your consent, we’re here to help you.
Firstly, don’t panic. That's easier said than done, but we can help. You’re not alone in dealing with this.
Screenshot the page where it has been posted and save it. This is evidence if you decide to report to the police. You can do this by calling the police non-emergency number 101; you’ll need to give brief details to a call handler and an appropriate officer should return your call.
Contact the Helpline. We are able to help you to report and remove the content. Whilst we cannot guarantee it will be removed, we do hold a very good takedown success rate and we are very persistent and determined.
Provide us with links. We will ask you to copy and paste the URL and send us the links to the content; if there are other images or videos on the page, we may have to ask you to confirm which images are of you.