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How do I know if my images are intimate, and what support is available?

How do I know if my images are intimate, and what support is available?

The term "intimate" can be very subjective—what's deemed intimate to one person might not be for another. However, the Revenge Porn Helpline is bound by and must work in accordance with UK law, which defines what an intimate image is. This differs depending on when the crime happened and where you live in the UK. So, let's take a closer look at some of these differences and explore what steps you can take if you’ve been affected by intimate image abuse.

Legally Defining an ‘Intimate Image’:

As the law will differ depending on your circumstances, we’ve broken down some of the information about each region and when the laws came into effect. To read a full explanation of the laws and legislation, you can visit our website guidance here.

England and Wales:

If the intimate images of yourself have been taken, shared, or threatened to be shared after the 31st of January 2024:

  • The images must not have been previously accessible to the public or any segment of the public. This includes content that is behind a paywall (e.g., OnlyFans) or breastfeeding images, for example.
  • The images must depict partially or fully exposed genitals, buttocks, or breasts, or show a sexual behaviour or act. This includes visibility through wet or transparent clothing and those covered by only underwear.

The definition includes synthetic sexual content, also known as deepfakes, which have been created or edited to mimic an intimate image.

If the images of yourself were taken, shared, or threatened to be shared before the 31st of January 2024, the images must be both private and sexual to be intimate:

  • To be considered private, the images must not have been previously accessible to the public or any segment of the public. This includes content that is behind a paywall (e.g., OnlyFans) or breastfeeding images for example.
  • To be deemed sexual, the images must depict partially or fully exposed genitals, buttocks, or breasts, or show a sexual behaviour or act.

It is important to note that synthetic sexual content, also known as deepfakes, is not recognised as sexual under this definition.


In Scotland, the images must be considered an ‘intimate situation’ to be recognised as an offence:

  • To be considered an intimate situation, the images must not have been previously accessible to the public or any segment of the public. This includes content that is behind a paywall (e.g., OnlyFans) or breastfeeding images for example.
  • The images must depict exposed genitals, buttocks or breasts; this includes those covered by only underwear.

The definition also encompasses synthetic sexual content, also known as deepfakes, which have been created or edited to mimic an intimate image.

Northern Ireland:

In Northern Ireland, images must be considered both private and sexual to be recognised as an offence.

  • To be considered private under the definition, images must depict something that is not of a kind ordinarily seen in public.
  • To be deemed sexual, the images must show all or partially exposed genitals or pubic area or depict a sexual act/behaviour.

It is important to note that synthetic sexual content is not recognised as sexual under this definition.

The Republic of Ireland:

In the Republic of Ireland, images must be considered both private and sexual to be recognised as an offence.

  • To be considered private, the images must not have been previously accessible to the public or any segment of the public. This includes content that is behind a paywall (e.g., OnlyFans) or breastfeeding images for example.
  • To be deemed sexual, the images must depict all or partially exposed genitals, buttocks, breasts, or anal region or depict a sexual act/behaviour.

This definition includes synthetic sexual content, also known as deepfakes, which have been created or edited to mimic a sexual image.

What can I do if my intimate images were taken, shared, or threatened to be shared without my consent? 

If your intimate images have been taken, shared, or threatened to be shared without consent, remember that you are not alone and that you have done nothing wrong. You can find guidance on what to do if you’ve been affected by intimate image abuse here.

Adults living in the UK can contact the Revenge Porn Helpline for advice and support regarding what has happened, or on behalf of someone else, by calling 0345 6000 459 or emailing Alternatively, if you want to anonymously reach out to us, you can find further contact methods here.

If you live outside of the UK, you can find more information here.

If you are under the age of 18 now and/or in the images, visit our advice page here

Contacting the police

While we understand this can be difficult, we would encourage you to make a report to the police as intimate image abuse is against UK law. More information about what to expect when contacting the police can be found on our advice page here.

What can I do if the images are not deemed intimate under the law? 

If the images are not deemed intimate by law but you still want them to be removed, there are various avenues you can take, depending on the type of content, you can read our guidance here.

Additionally, Report Harmful Content (a service operated by SWGfL) provides further advice about how to report other forms of harmful content which you have experienced or witnessed online, find out more here

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